Life...what is it? Do we change our life, or do others change it? What makes life terrible for some, and amazing for others? Life has so much to it, and it is so complicated. My brother once said, you get what you deserve. I think about what he said now, and i think that is total bull shit. What my dad says makes more sense, he said that "you have people that go to work with a white shirt on and go home with a white shirt on, and they get paid a shit load of money, and you have people that go to work with a white shirt on and come home with a torn up, dirty, sometimes even no shirt on, and they dont get paid much at all." He was true, not only about a job, but about life itself, its one of those things that people get after they think about it, and its not directly said to them. People in life get everything handed to them, and they live a good life, one that is amazing, and on the other side you have people that get nothing at all, even if they try their hardest in life, they try to reach a goal and they get nothing in return. For me i think my life is a little bit of both, i work and sometimes get nothing, but i do get stuff for free and live a good life. I work other times and get what i want. Life is full of suprises and many mysteries, one of these can be, do we change our life? Part of that is true, or most of it is, but sometimes its nothing like that at all. We do make our decisions in life, and we are stuck with them, sometimes the rewards are good, but a lot of the times we start to regret and the price we pay is so much bigger then what we expected. Sometimes we do the right choices, all of the time, and then you lose everything for no reason, life is unfair like that, and for those people who live this unfair life i feel bad for them and i would give them everything i have, i feel as if i get too much sometimes and other times i feel as if i went to far, but in the end its my fault.
Happiness can go a long way, and in life it is true. A lot of people have happiness in their life, but they don't appreciate it, they just ignore it, other people don't have happiness but they don't seek it. If you seek happiness for long enough, you will find it, but then when you do find it you never want to let it go, and sometimes it has to leave, but you just dont realize it.
For the end of this poem i will talk about a strange subject and that is Death. Death comes in many forms and affects everyone in all sorts of different ways. I have dealt with death, sure i have many people in my life that are close and are still with me, but i have also lost a lot of people, those who meant a lot in my life and it changes people. Death is something we all deal with though, some people change in life because of it, they can be the happiest person in the world, then one day death comes in their life, and they are changed, they feel as if they have nothing. I still think about everyone that has died in my life and think sadly, but i also think happily as i know they are still there for me, but sometimes there is a bad side to what i think, i think of people dying i don't want to, i sit there and cry when i think of people dying that i don't want to and i can't get it out of my head, but in the end i am happy they are with me.
hey, you commented on my blog. Just curious how you found my blog! Also, your post are interesting. We live in a sinful world therefore we will never know true peace. I am sorry you have lost loved ones. Me too! Can I ask you a question? If YOU were to die do you know for sure where you would spend eternity and why?
Hey, I think your posts are spot on and they sound JUST like the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. Have you ever read it? It talks about the same things you're thinking about; how life doesn't seem to make sense and doesn't seem fair, and in the end everyone dies anyway.
The book is meant to raise a lot of questions, but it doesn't answer them. If you're curious and want to read it try the ESV version of the Bible; you can find it on
The questions are answered, from a Bible standpoint (a lot of them) in the book of John (in the Bible).
Not meaning to preach at you but you are so insightful and are thinking so hard about this stuff, and this may give you something to read and think about.
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