Monday, October 13, 2008


War is another strange topic, but there are many different kinds of war. We have war with ourselves, war with our friends/random people, and then war with other nations. War is a way of life, no matter what people say or think, it has always been there and people will never get rid of it.
People have war's with themselves. They struggle and try to push harder, they know they aren't the best and yet they are still getting nothing and still fighting them self to do better. Sometimes it gets worse, when people are on the urge to killing themselves, in reality they don't want to do it. People never want to kill themselves, but in the end it is a solution they find to get away from everything, and a way for them to stop fighting. Decisions have to be made, these can be very different, people try to find the best one and yet they can't, it can be a double edged sword, where no matter what he gets hurt, and someone else does, and yet they have to make a decision whether or not to hurt one person or to continue to hurt someone else.
There is no life without fighting with other people, whether it be a debate about something, or an actual fight. People like to go around and make peoples lives hell, they are in a war already, they are like a dictator ruling over people that are too weak to do anything. Then you have the people that put scums like that in their place, they are like an army defending another country, which is needed in these situations. People think they can do anything and they are put in their place, which is good for society. Other times people just try to start trouble, these can be verbal arguments or physical violence, this is still war as it is only between 2 people or a few more, but it will always be there. This is a way of life for some people, and life would be better without it, but i don't think that will ever happen, as you will always have these 2 different types of people and there will always be conflict between them.
War...between nations...countries...fighting, taking lives, and doing so much more. I hate this, but again it has changed society and made it better, it is not needed in life, people can go without this and yet it still happens, why? People are too arrogant again, but this time they have power, and they don't care about others. War is fought for peace, and freedom, but some wars are not, some wars are fought for pride and just because people want more, which is wrong. Taking the lives of thousands just so you can say you are better, this is not humane and this is not right, but again it still happens and will always be there because of the weapons/way people are.
Can there be a life without war? Yes i think that there can be life without war, but i don't think it will ever happen. People just will never realize it, and are blinded, there will always be some sort of war in life, and there will never truly be peace.

1 comment:

Emily said...

This is an insightful post...I think you've hit on a lot of truth.
Maybe there's something twisted in man that causes him to be arrogant and live in conflict. Just a thought. Maybe we weren't meant to be this way originally. We're always longing for something better, which may mean we were made for something better.